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How to Train a Kitten to Use a Litter Box

PIA Australia

8 Comment

March 7, 2022

Jackie Johnston from Cat World has some top tips for Pet Insurance Australia followers on how to train your cat or kitten to use a litter box.

Having a cat can be a lot of fun, but it also comes with a few responsibilities. One of the first things you should take care of is training your feline friend to use a litter box.

Using a litter box actually comes naturally to many cats. Being clean creatures, they like finding a private space where they can take care of their waste and bury it.

Read on, and we’ll walk you through the steps you need to know to get your cat using their litter box.

1. Pick the Right Location

First, and foremost, you want to pick a location that works for both you and your feline friend. Cat’s get used to where their litter box is so it is best not to move it around your home too often.

Ideally, you would put it in a secluded, private space where the cat won’t be bothered when doing their business. Laundry rooms and bathrooms are common places.

If you have more than one cat, it is advisable to have one litter box for each cat. It’s also a good idea to have a spare litter box as well. This reduces the chances your cat (or cats) going outside of their box – and you’ll always have a backup in case your cat tries to hide it!

2. Pick the Right One

Be sure to choose a litter box that is the right size for your cat. If your cat is a little kitten, a tall receptacle may have sides that are too high for them to step over- and vice versa for larger cats. A box that is too small will be uncomfortable and can stress them out.

It may be a good idea for you to purchase a litter box with a hood attachment. This can help contain smells and it also ensures a more private setting. You can check out these cat genie reviews if you’re looking to have the work done for you.

3. Present It

You want your kitty to become comfortable with their new litter box. When first introducing it to the home, spend some time with your cat near it so they get used to its presence.

If you are able to notice when your cat needs to go to the bathroom, make sure they are near the box during that time. If your cat is showing signs that they are about to go, go ahead and place them directly inside it.

4. Reward Your Cat

If your cat successfully uses the litter box, be sure to reward them with a treat. Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to communicate to pets that they are doing the right thing.

You also want to make sure that your cat is not only using the box when they need to go but also that they are burying their litter too. If not, you should show them by burying it with your fingers. They should get the hang of it after a few times. And be sure to wash your hands after your training sessions!

Kitten litter box training

Happy training!

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