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New Year Pet Peeves

PIA Australia

8 Comment

December 29, 2018

Pet Insurance Australia is issuing a timely reminder to pet lovers for the New Year celebrations. With some top tips on how to keep your pet safe and to best prepare for the biggest night of the year.

“New Years’ Eve is always a top calendar favourite amongst many,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “For many people this is the last night to let their hair down before the beginning of work and it really does signal the end to the festive season, so it’s no wonder so many of us will be looking to celebrate.”

With celebrations comes entertaining. Sadly, for many pets, this is when disaster can strike.

“During celebrations, particularly if you are hosting the entertainment yourself, pets can be put at unknown risk,” Crighton warns. “So now is a good idea to really have a good think about your pet’s safety over the celebration of New Year’s.” Man pets, who commonly suffer from storm phobia may also struggle with the loud bangs from firework displays.

“If your pet is afraid of fireworks having a safe room is paramount so that your pet can escape the sounds,” Crighton says. “Many pet owners, particularly if they will not be at home, will enlist the help of a boarding kennel to ensure their pets are safe and away from the loud bangs that can lead to anxiety.”


1. Safe Place – consider having a safe place to put your animal in during the party, or when you are away. This area should contain a comfy bed, favourite toys, water and food. If your dog or cat is known to have a fear towards loud noises and fireworks, consider putting hidey holes in this space and also classical music that can drown out the loud bangs. This is great for when you cannot supervise your pet during a celebration. If your dog or cat does suffer with extreme anxiety speak with your vet about possible medications to help calm them during this time.

2. Missing Pets – remind guests to shut gates. Many pets go missing around this celebration due to running off while being spooked. Put-up large signs to remind your guests to shut the doors and gates or better still pop your pooch in their safe zone. Ensure your details are up to date and that your pet is wearing a collar with the correct information. Consider keeping cats indoors for the evening.

3. Boarding – if you are unable to secure your pet or your pet does suffer from extreme anxiety consider putting your pet in a boarding establishment during the celebration.

4. Food – over indulgence and accidental ingestion has seen many pet-parent party goers sitting out New Year celebrations at the local vet hospital praying that their beloved pet will be OK. Keep foods and alcohol away from your pet or keep your pet away from the food. Don’t leave food lying around and ensure bins are rubbish are pet-proofed – never underestimate what a dog will do to get at some tasty scraps and that may mean the entire corn cob and skewer! Don’t feed your pet left-overs and never feed cooked bones.

5. Doggy Party – why not host a dog party? Then your dog can have the distraction of all of their friends while you ring in the New Year in a safe and dog friendly environment. Consider dog friendly baking, and setting up a obstacle course for all the dogs to enjoy. WOOF!

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