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Pet Resolutions – New Year 2019

PIA Australia

8 Comment

December 26, 2018

You aced it last year…and you’re now looking for some new resolutions for 2019? Pet Insurance Australia has dug up some wonderful pet inspired resolutions to get 2019 off to a purrrfect start.

“I think it’s pretty clear, that in 2018 our pet’s pride of place has certainly etched itself into the fur-kid category,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “With the popularity of pet products, particularly at Christmas, and the care and attention we shower on our pets it’s no wonder many will be considering some ‘pet themed’ New Year’s Resolutions in 2019.”

1. The Weighty Issue
Sadly, like many two-legged kinds, weight is an issue when it comes to our pets. Obesity is fast becoming one of the largest problems affecting cats and dogs that can lead to a whole host of problems later in life including the risk of cancer, arthritis and many other debilitating conditions. This New Year make a promise to your pet that you will help them get into shape and keep their weight in the healthy range! Some top tips include: make your own healthy and low-fat treats, invest in a FitBark to track your pets progress, speak to your vet about a weight management plan, increase your pets exercise, print out your ‘pet promise’ and stick it on the fridge.

2. Say THANKS to your Veterinary team
The incredible work our Veterinarians and Vet Nurses should be celebrated all year around, and not just after a medical emergency. Find out the birthday of the clinic and send them a birthday card each year to celebrate their wonderful work. Or bake them a home-made treat to share at morning tea. Take the time to say thank you from behalf of your pet and yourself.

3. Stop & Smell the Roses
Life can get so impossibly busy sometimes that many humans just don’t stop to smell the roses. Take a walk like a dog now and again! Instead of focussing on where you are going and how quickly you can get there and back, stop often. Listen to the birds, let your dog sniff the lamp-post, go slow and take all the world has to offer. Let your dog guide you for your walk and experience life in the slow lane.

4. Fun Filled Exercise
We are all guilty of unclipping at the dog park and watching our pet run themselves ragged or laying on our backs playing pounce and chase with a string for the cat. Consider exercising with your pet this New Year. Run around more, go for a jog, consider fun cardio. Consider; interactive cat toys or teaching your cat a new trick. Think about teaching your dog how to catch a Frisbee or working on that game of fetch. For dogs, consider enrolling in your local dog sport. It’s a wonderful way to get you and your pooch working and exercising together.

5. Monthly Adventure
Make a promise to indulge in a monthly adventure. Consider teaching your cat to walk on a leash and safely exploring the neighbourhood or taking your dog on a boat (don’t forget the doggy life-vest) or teaching them how to surf or swim. This could be as simple as finding a new dog friendly walking trail to heading off on a kayak. The options are endless. Make a list, pop them in the calendar and get adventuring pet lovers!

6. New Tricks
It’s never too late to teach a dog or a cat a new trick. Do some research. Find a few to focus on and have fun. Arm yourself with some tasty treats, or a favourite play toy and basic instructions and get learning together. Teaching your cat or dog new tricks is a wonderful way to flex their brain and certainly comes in handy when the weather is too hot to play outside.

“Your imagination is really the limit when it comes to pet-related New Year Resolutions,” Crighton says. “it’s a wonderful and positive experience to consider the lives of our pets when we are considering bettering our own.”

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