Australia Day Warning
PIA Australia
January 22, 2015
As the festivities of Australia Day looms, Pet Insurance Australia is urging pet owners to be weary of celebrations and events that may be harmful for companion animals.
“Similar to New Year Eve celebrations, many pets can go missing around this time of year,” Nadia Crighotn Spokesperson for PIA says.
“Fireworks can cause animals to flee in fear, always make sure you keep your animal in a secure and safe location during firework displays.”
“Many animals will show signs of anxiety during fireworks displays, similar to thunderstorm activity,” Crighton says.
Signs of anxiety vary, however many include:
- Rapid or excessive panting
- Yawning
- Licking
- Pacing
- Drooling
- Trembling
- Vocalisation
- Destructive Behaviour
“Other things to consider to help your pet during fireworks is; putting on music while you are away (to mask the sound), making a hiding place for your pet, ensuring gates are shut and locked and keeping your companion animals indoors.”
If you are having a celebration, consider keeping your pet in a separate room away from the party.
“It’s not only the danger of party-goers leaving gates and doors open, many pets may also ingest foods and drink that can cause problems.”
Food problems can be a real danger for pets during celebrations.
“Dogs in particular are natural scavengers and will take the opportunity to eat anything on offer,” Crighton says. “The best way to ensure your dog’s safety is to keep him away from the party.”
“Cooked bones, alcohol, and chocolate are all very dangerous for dogs,” Crighton says. “Most of us will be enjoying one, if not all, of these indulgences to celebrate this wonderful nation, however, for our pets it could turn into a last minute dash for specialist care.”
Contact: Nadia Crighton
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