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Large low-Shedding Dog Breeds

PIA Australia

8 Comment

March 3, 2022

Looking for a dog breed that doesn’t shed? Pet Insurance Australia takes a look at the top large non-shedding dog breeds.

First and foremost; it’s important to understand that all dogs shed. However, depending on your chosen dog breed this can vary quite dramatically. The biggest misconception of the typical ‘low-shedding’ or ‘non-shedding’ breeds is that they are also ‘low-grooming’ breeds. This is simply not the case, and many non-shedders will require a decent amount of grooming to keep their coats knot free and remove the trapped dead hair.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds?
It is important to remember when it comes to allergies to check with your doctor exactly what you are allergic to. For many allergic dog and cat lovers, their allergy will include dander (skin), saliva or even urine of the actual pet. Therefore, purchasing a pup that is considered ‘low-shedding’ may not stop your allergic response. It’s recommended to speak to your doctor in regard to your allergies and pet ownership. It’s also a good idea to visit your breeder and have as much interaction with your chosen pup as possible to see if you have any reactions that will cause a concern.

Top 10 Popular Big Dogs That Don’t Shed

1. Afghan Hound
This majestic breed is certainly a head turner in the dog world. However, their long flowing locks of hair will need a lot of attention to keep them looking and feeling good. Their almost human hair will need daily brushing to remove any tangles. This job can be very time consuming and is certainly not advisable for the first-time pet owner. Many Afghan owners call in the experts to help with the up-keep and grooming needs of their pets.

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2. Airedale Terrier
The King of Terriers is a wonderfully natured dog and the tallest Terrier. However, like many of their ‘low-shedding’ counterparts they will need a good amount of care when it comes to the grooming department. Like with all dogs, they will shed, just not as much as other breeds and it’s important to keep up with your grooming to minimise this particularly during seasonal changes. Most owners call in the experts and also choose to strip or clip the coat to keep it neat and tidy.

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3. Bouvier des Flandres
Like with many double coated breeds, the hair will become trapped by the outer layer, so grooming is vital to remove the dead hair and keep the coat knot free. This is why many consider this to be a ‘low-shedding’ dog. This breed will require daily brushing to keep the coat looking its best. Many owners call in the professionals every six weeks for a quick trim.

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4. Giant Schnauzer
Like all the adorable Schnauzer sizes, the giant is also a big favourite for those who do not like the tumble-weeds of hair around the home. Again, these dogs do shed but because of their wiry coat exterior the hair becomes trapped, leaving pet parents the task of removing it by means of brushing. Your Schnauzer will need to be trimmed or stripped regularly by a professional to ensure the coat is kept in top condition.

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5. Irish Water Spaniel
This wavy gem of a dog is well-known for their lack of dropping hair. However, once again it’s the double coat behind all of this marvel so brushing is paramount to remove the dead hair. Brushing two to three times per week is advised to keep the coat free of tangles and painful knots.

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6. Komondor
The precious cords of the Komondor will not correctly form until they are around two years of age. Until this time; you will need to take good care of your pup’s wee curls, keeping them dry and dirt free. Although you will not need to brush your Komondor cords will need to be separated often to prevent tangles. It is also a job for the experienced so before purchasing this precious low-shedder, ask for some professional help when it comes to coat care.

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7. Portuguese Water Dog
This stunning water loving breed is a very minimal shedder but will require a good brush a few times a week to keep their coats tangle free. Some enlist in the help from a grooming service for clipping and trimming. These dogs will need to be clipped often. Like all water loving dogs be sure to rinse them in fresh water after every swim to keep their skin in top condition. Fun Fact: This is Barrack Obamas family dog.

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8. Saluki
As one of the oldest breeds around, the Saluki has been a minimal shedding attraction for many years. They are also famous for not having any doggy odour. They will require a good brush once or twice a week to keep the coat tangle free.

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9. Standard Poodle
As a famous low-shedding breed, the Poodle is a stand-out favourite when it comes to people looking for a relatively hair-free home. However, like all Poodles the Standard will require a fair amount grooming and some attention from a professional for a clip and trim. They might not shed too much, but their coats are very high maintenance and will need daily brushing to remove the dead hair.

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10. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Having a double coat with a thick weatherproof undercoat and a wiry exterior makes the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon a limited shedding dog. However, the coat will need to be combed regularly to remove the dead trapped hair.


So there you have it. 10 of the most popular large sized dogs that don’t shed. We hope this helps you find your perfect companion! Please share and subscribe to our blog for more helpful pet guides and articles.

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