Keep Australia Beautiful Week
PIA Australia
August 20, 2015
Pet Insurance Australia (PIA) is encouraging all Australians to dig deep and get involved this Keep Australia Beautiful Week.
Running from the 24th – 30th of August, it’s a time when all Australians do their part to keep Australia looking beautiful.
“It’s a good time of year to remind pet owners the importance of picking up after your companion animal,” Nadia Crighton Spokesperson from Pet Insurance Australia says. “Many dog parks are littered with plastic bags full of waste, it’s so bad for the environment and so easily avoided.”
Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) are running community programs in each state and territory to promote a sustainable and beautiful environment.
“Get involved, we are so blessed to live in such a beautiful country and we all need to pitch in and help keep it that way.”
From cleaning beaches, parks and streets; to removing graffiti and unsightly mess from around the city, the Keep Australia Beautiful program is helping communities across Australia to become litter-free.
“This is such a great way for dog owners to become proactive in their own off-leash areas,” Crighton says. “Say NO to rubbish and unsightly mess in your local area, if the bins are over-flowing with litter and dog waste contact your council, and take a stance.”
Having a litter-free Australia is an achievable dream.
“We can all do our part,” Crighton suggests. “It’s as simple as taking a rubbish bag with you on your walk and make it a goal to fill it up. You’ll be surprised how much you can collect over the week, and how much better your local environment will look.”
Want to get more involved? Contact Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) and find out what’s happening in your local area.
Nadia Crighton –
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Contact information: Nadia Crighton, Pet Insurance Australia, 95 Sixth Road, Berkshire Park, New South Wales 2765
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