Fire & Pets
PIA Australia
January 6, 2015
Pet Insurance Australia (PIA) is urging all Australians to keep their pets safe this fire-season.
“Ensure you have an evacuation plan for your family, including your pets,” Nadia Crighton Spokesperson for PIA says. “If a fire is close make sure you know where your pets are and that they have up-to-date collar tags and microchip information.”
“Also considering keeping your cats indoors and not allowing your pets to roam, this can save you vital minutes during an emergency.”
PIA also recommends writing down the emergency numbers for your local area alongside the location of the emergency relief centers. Your relief center can offer food, financial assistance and emergency accommodation.
“Keep informed through websites, radio and social media, which can alert you to changing conditions and possible danger.”
“During a fire-storm there will be veterinary clinics who will be on hand to offer help to injured animals many of these consultations are free,” Crighton says. “Visit your State’s bushfire emergency website for information on where to go.”
PIA also suggests having a pet emergency kit alongside your own. Things such as:
*Collar / lead (labeled with your details)
*Water bowl
*Pet food
*Pet carrier (Labeled with your details)
*Vaccination card
*Microchip / registration information
“Making arrangements for your animals is paramount during fires as too helping them during an emergency situation.” Crighton says. “If you are unable to help your pet, for various reasons, you must seek advice from your local fire authority. They will do everything they can to help you reunite with your pet.”
PIA also reminds the public that Australia has impressive State and Federal provisions to help companion animals, wild animals and stock during a fire emergency.
“Remembering you are not alone and that there is help on hand for you, your family and your animals.”
Find your State’s Fire website and get in the know about what to do in an emergency.
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