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Euthanasia vs Pet Insurance

PIA Australia

8 Comment

November 14, 2014

Australia has one of the highest incidents of pet ownership in the world. It’s estimated that over 25 million pets reside in homes across Australia. With such a high incident of pet ownership the need for quality, affordable pet insurance has radically increased over the years.

“It’s no surprise to many pet owners that the rising costs of veterinary care can hit a family hard during an extreme time of stress,” Nadia Crighton Spokesperson from Pet Insurance Australia says.

“It’s a horrible fact that many families are faced with the daunting decision to euthanase their beloved pet because they cannot afford the treatment needed to save them.”

This is a real tragedy that many Australian families face on a daily basis.

“Australian pet owners spend around $8 billion on their pets each year,” Crighton says. “It is estimated that out of this; $1.7 billion is spent on veterinary services, and this cost is only increasing.”

Facts indicate that veterinary costs have risen steadily over the past 10 years. However, pet ownership has been steadily decreasing across Australia. This trend can be linked to the increase in high-density housing plus, the hike in costs associated with owning a pet.

“It’s just not affordable to the everyday person to pay thousands of dollars of veterinary bills if their animal becomes sick or seriously injured,” she says.

“The vast majority of Australian veterinarians are suggesting that pet owners research comprehensive pet insurance for their animals.”

The advancement of available veterinary services has also lead to an increase in demand for pet insurance.

“Today pet owners have a far greater choice in terms of their pet’s treatment,” Crighton says. “By having affordable pet insurance owners are able to explore treatment options that will ensure the best possible outcome for their pets.”

With pet insurance now being an affordable option Pet Insurance Australia advises all pet owners to actively seek out an insurance plan to suit their family pet and budget restraints.

“It is a very affordable option that pet owners should take seriously,” she says.  “Most Australians have no idea of the huge costs involved when their pet falls ill or has a serious injury, in many cases we are talking  $15,000 plus, nobody has that type of money lying around.”

Pet Insurance Australia is adamant that pet insurance saves many animals lives each year.

“Those who do not have adequate insurance are much more likely to euthanase their beloved animal during times of sickness and injury when veterinary treatment is not affordable,” Crighton says.

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