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Be Kind To Animals Week

PIA Australia

8 Comment

September 15, 2015

Pet Insurance Australia (PIA) is asking all animal owners, and lovers, to support the upcoming; Be Kind To Animals Week. The week is to support and promote the wonderful relationship humans have with animals with a concern to welfare.

“With all the recent reports on puppy and kitten farms, we are urging all Australians to get behind this wonderful initiative and make a difference in an animals life,” Nadia Crighton Pet Insurance Australia Spokesperson says.

From October 1st to 7th, Be Kind to Animals Week will also focus on inspiring and empowering students through the ThinkKind, Humane Education Australia, school programs that aim to take positive action for animal welfare through fun and interactive learning.

“This is a wonderful way for schools to get involved and make animal welfare a top-topic, allowing the next generation of animal lovers to become empowered,” Crighton says. “Every person, no matter what age or background has the power to really make a difference in the life and treatment of animals in Australia, and the world.”

With ideas for families, business’, individuals and schools, while also having featured events throughout the week, there is no easier time to get involved and educated on issues facing animals.

“The week also falls on October 4th, which is the World Animal Day,” Crighton says. “It’s all about taking some time out of your busy day to dedicate some time to the welfare of animals, while celebrating creatures of all shapes and sizes.”

“It’s really easy to get involved and brain-storm some ideas that can have a huge impact on animals,” Crighton says. “From picking up rubbish from your local native area, to volunteering one Saturday at a local shelter or a native animal rescue centre, or perhaps encouraging your school to run an educational Be Kind To Animals week, every little part helps bring awareness to this great project.”

For more information on how to get involved in this wonderful week, head over to: http://bekindtoanimalsweek.org.au.

The Be Kind to Animals Week is an initiative of Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary and is modeled from the popular American Humane Association’s Be Kind To Animals Week.

“This is a very popular week overseas, with Australia quickly following,” Crighton says. “We are a nation of animal lovers, and are lucky to boast some of the world’s most rare and beautiful native creatures.

“This is something that should be cherished, loved and cared for.”



Nadia Crighton – nadia@staging.petinsuranceaustralia.com.au

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