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Social September

PIA Australia

8 Comment

September 1, 2015

From the 1st – 30th of September it’s time to celebrate the annual Social September month. Pet Insurance Australia urges all pet lovers to disconnect and get back to the real world alongside their beloved companion animals.

“Social September is all about disconnecting from our digital lives and reconnecting with our physical one,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says.

“This is a great time to get out and about with your pet, and promote face-to-face connections.”
Today’s modern world forces many in society to hide behind screens. In a world dominated by computers and smart phones, social media is the normal way of connecting. Social September is about reestablishing face-to-face connections, and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
“Most of us spend far too, much time devoted to our screens, sometimes this can be alongside our cats and dogs,” Crighton says. “But how in-tune are we to ourselves, our pet’s, and our friend’s emotions?”
“This month make it your challenge to get out and about more with your dog, play more with your cat, and work on your ‘real-time’ interactions with your fiends and family,” Crighton says.

“Computer screens have no emotions. People crave interactions in order to feel. “It is so vitally important that we take time out from our digital world and remember what it feels like to be human.”
This is such a wonderful initiative that aims to create real social connection, in the real world. For more information and social challenges in your area (plus how you can help The Reach Fund); http://www.socialseptember.com.au. Social September promotes disconnecting, and reconnecting while also promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
“Think about organising a doggy day at the beach, having coffee at a cat café, and adding an extra 30mintues to your daily walk, instead of your daily ‘newsfeed’,” Crighton says. “Make small chit-chat with other dog owners at the dog park, organise a face-to-face catch up with family and make this an annual event in your calendar.”
“Getting out and about into the real world, putting tabs on your social media usage compared to your real world usage, could be a refreshing change and a big eye-opener. Plus your pets will love you for it!” Crighton says.
Disconnecting can have many positive effects on your family, friends and pets.
“Put restrictions on your digital usage and replace it with real-life positive interactions,” Crighton says. “Your pets are a great way to do this.”


Nadia Crighton – nadia@staging.petinsuranceaustralia.com.au

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Contact information: Nadia Crighton, Pet Insurance Australia, 95 Sixth Road, Berkshire Park, New South Wales 2765

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