Gastro Warning – Dogs
andreas strauss
July 20, 2021
With the recent gastroenteritis outbreak in Melbourne, Pet Insurance Australia is offering a timely reminder to pet owners to keep their pets safe.
“A very contagious gastroenteritis is currently circulating in the Melbourne region,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “It’s really important that pet owners monitor their animals and if they are concerned to contact their local vet and keep their canine companion at home.”
Dogs will show symptoms between 24-48hrs after infection.
Symptoms include:
- Vomiting (this can also be foamy)
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Gagging
- Loss of appetite
- Stomach discomfort and pain
- Heaving after food or water
“If you are in the Melbourne area and you notice any of these symptoms is paramount you keep your pet at home to stop the spread,” Crighton warns. “Veterinary treatment and advice are also highly recommended to ensure your pet is ok, some pets will need urgent medical intervention.”
Puppies and older dogs are also most at risk of serious complications from gastroenteritis. Keeping puppies at home and away from public spaces is advisable.
“Gastroenteritis for a young puppy can be fatal so it’s better to be safe and keep your pet at home during this time,” Crighton suggests. “Older or sick pets are also more at risk of server illness caused by this condition.”
Most gastroenteritis will resolve after 2-4 days. Your veterinarian may also suggest a specific diet for your pet to help ease their digestive track back into their normal diet. With the correct professional advice, your pet will make a quick and full recovery.
“If your pet’s condition deteriorates at any point, it is vital you contact your local veterinarian and seek advice,” Crighton suggests. “Some pets will require hospitalisation and intravenous fluids to help with hydration.”
Pet Insurance Australia has seen a large spike in gastro-related claims over the past month in the Melbourne area. Approximately a 233% increase since April.
“Obviously this can also be due to pet owners feeding their pets extra titbits during a lockdown, but with the current climate and feedback from vets across Melbourne we expect to see an even larger spike for the month of July.”
Photo by Matthew Henry
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