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International Puppy Day

PIA Australia

8 Comment

March 20, 2018

It’s time to celebrate everything wonderful about the most adorable pads and paws around…International Puppy Day.

“This is a brilliant day to really appreciate all the amazing pups and dogs that share our lives,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “Even though it’s all about pups, I think every dog owner and lover would attest that this is a day to celebrate all the humble hounds in our lives.”

It’s also a great day to remember how many precious pups are currently looking for new homes around Australia.

“There are many wonderful puppies who are in desperate need of a new home around this time of year,” Crighton says. “So, if you are considering becoming a pet parent check out your local shelters to see if your future fur baby is waiting for their forever home.”

Also consider…

  • Volunteering at your local shelter
  • Donating to a wonderful doggy cause
  • Appreciate the pups in your life, with a game, toy or special adventure
  • Consider adopting a pup
  • Foster a pup for therapy or Guide Dogs

What’s all the FUSS about?

“Dogs play such an integral part of our lives,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “They offer unconditional love, support and comfort in times of need, and laughter and joy in times of happiness.

From the humble family dog, to our Police Dogs, Customs Dogs, Therapy Dogs, Assistance Dogs and Guide Dogs, there is certainly a reason to give a pat of appreciation this Puppy Day. Plus; to the amazing people who care and prepare these pups for a life of helping others.

“Making a special day to really appreciate and understand what our canine companions attribute to society can only be a wonderful thing,” Crighton adds. “Puppies are particularly wondrous and have the ability to brighten anyone’s day.”

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