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Pet-Loving Volunteers, We Salute You!

PIA Australia

8 Comment

May 11, 2017

As National Volunteer week kicks off, Pet Insurance Australia wants to express our appreciation for all the pet-loving volunteers around the country.

“The pet industry is made up of some amazing volunteers and this week is all about celebrating this,” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “This week right across the country there will be thousands of events to say thank you to the approximately six million Aussies who actively volunteer.”

From breakfasts, to special events, morning teas and open days. Celebrations are being planned in all major cities and towns to ensure all those who offer their time are thanked accordingly. “If you know of someone who volunteers, this is the week to say a big Thank You,” Crighton says.

Many animal shelters across Australia rely predominantly on those freely offering to help. This national celebration allows those who rely on these services to give thanks for all their hard work and dedication.

In Australia, volunteering offers essential services including sporting, animal welfare, education, emergency, cultural and environmental.

“Pet lovers are very passionate people who go above and beyond for the love and care of animals,” Crighton says. “Many sectors of the companion animal industry rely heavily on these pet-loving heroes to get the job done and for that, we salute you!”

If you want to get involved or attend an event, visit https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/nvw/ for more information.

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