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2019 Top Pet Names

andreas strauss

8 Comment

December 11, 2019

Once again Pet Insurance Australia has their annual top pet names! With some newbies making the list for 2019.

“It could be a little royal fever mixed in with the traditional names for 2019” Nadia Crighton from Pet Insurance Australia says. “Archie is certainly the favourite in our dog names and also making second place for cats.”

“We also have some new names making the list this year, including Oreo and the very popular Nala, alongside our traditional favourites of Luna, Bella and Coco.”

Female Dogs
  1. Luna
  2. Bella
  3. Coco
  4. Daisy
  5. Ruby
  6. Molly
  7. Frankie
  8. Lola
  9. Nala
  10. Millie
Male Dogs
  1. Archie
  2. Charlie
  3. Buddy
  4. Teddy
  5. Max
  6. Milo
  7. Alfie
  8. Ollie
  9. Bailey
  10. Leo
Female Cats
  1. Luna
  2. Nala
  3. Bella
  4. Cocco
  5. Mia
  6. Cleo
  7. Lily
  8. Molly
  9. Poppy
  10. Chloe
Male Cats
  1. Loki
  2. Archie
  3. Leo
  4. Simba
  5. Jasper
  6. Max
  7. Ollie
  8. Oscar
  9. Charlie
  10. Oreo

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